This guideline shows you how to configure blog post/article template in the theme.
1. Create article pages
Please go to Online Store > Blog posts > Add blog post. You can follow this guide to create a blog post.

Then you can follow the video below to open the article template to edit in the Theme.
2. Page heading section
In Page heading, you can add Title, Time and Category blocks.

Page heading allows you to customize image featured, padding & margin, content align. Refer to this video to know more:
3. Posts section

You can customize the layout, background, padding, margin of Posts section. Please follow this guide.
There are many blocks you can show in Posts section: Title, Featured Image, Article content, etc... Refer to this video to know more:
To allow comment block on the article page, please go to Online Store > Blog posts > Manage Blog > enable Comments.

4. Sidebar article
Sidebar article section is the same as Sidebar blog. You can check this guide to config it.