This guideline helps you configure Blog template.
Firstly, you can follow the video below to open the blog template for editing.
1. Blog slider section
In this section, you can choose a blog to show in the slider. Config Maximum articles to show, Date format, Items per row, Options for image, Color options, Options for carousel layout, Prev next button, Page dot.
You can check this video to know more:
2. Blog section
Layout design: Grid or Masonry
Articles design, Number of articles to show, Date format, Show blog information, Content align, and Pagination options.
FILTER BY TAG: you can Disable/Show all / Manually add tags
3. Sidebar blog
You can enable sidebar blog, enable layout drawer and move the position of sidebar (left or right)
Moreover, there are some options to customize sidebar section: sidebar size, sidebar style, border style...

In sidebar, there are many blocks you can add: Blog Categories, Blog tags, Recent Post, Featured Products, Gallery, Instagram feed, Shipping delivery, Image, Text, Socials. Refer to this video to know more:
To add a linklist in Blog Categories, go to Navigation > add a new menu > fill in the title and link for blog.

To use Instagram Feed, you can follow this guide or use this app