The section allows you to automatically add those articles which have the same blog group with a column for some additional content.

First, you need to create some blog posts from Shopify Admin > Online store > Blog post. You can follow this article.
Then you can add section to your theme. Steps: In the theme editor (Customize) > Add section > Blog post 3 > Save.
1. Blog post content
Click on Blog post 3 > ADD BLOCK > choose the block you want to add.
1.1. Col (Parent)

Col (Parent) represents for one column. In this block, you can adjust it with many options below:
Content align: You can align content to Left, Center or Right and Content align vertical center
Padding inner for many devices: Desktop, Tablet, Mobile
Background image/background color for this column
1.2. Other blocks (Child)
You can add Text, Button, HTML, Image (child), Space HTML, Custom label and config the style for them. You can refer to this video:
2. How to config Blog post 3 section?
You can enter the Heading and Subheading, choose the design for the heading, also can choose text align: center.

You can show a button on the heading to redirect customers to the blog page (Only used for design 9)

Blog position, Blog post, Number of article to show
Show blog information: you can choose show/hide blog title, short content, tags, author, comment, ...
Date format: You can set date format to display (different format options display for various languages).

Content align: choose align Default or Center
IMAGE OPTIONS: You can choose image effect, image ratio, image size, image position, also items per row, and space between items blog.
Layout design: you can choose Grid, Carousel
Carousel layout: you are allowed to config loop, autoplay feature and enable Prev, next button, Page dots.
Grid layout: you can add a Load more/View more button.
Please follow this guideline to config Layout, Background, Margin/Padding for the section.