This section allows you to display products in a packery design and you can add products manually. You can add this section on any page you want.
Steps: In the theme editor (Customize) > Add section > Products list packery > Save.
1. Products list packery content
Click on Products list packery > ADD BLOCK > choose the block you want to add.
You can add many Product and Featured Product in this section.
Product: choose a product to show and choose image item

Featured Product: choose a product and config image ratio, image size to make it more special than a normal product.

2. How to config Products list packery section?
You can enter the Heading and Subheading, choose the design for the heading, also can choose text align: center.

Show product vendor and countdown when hovering on product item
Image ratio, image size, image position
Content align: choose align Default or Center
Maximum products to show, items per row, and space between items.
Please follow this guideline to config Layout, Background, Margin/Padding for the section.