This section helps you add Icon, Header, Subheader, and Text in many boxes. You can use this section for many different purposes, especially for a more flexible Free Shipping section.

Steps: In the theme editor (Customize) > Add section > Icon box timeline > Save.
1. Box item
Click on Icon box timeline > ADD ITEM to add box items for this section.

ICON OPTIONS: enter the icon code/image to use Icon awesome, Icon image or Icon SVG according to Source Icon in Icon box settings
TEXT OPTIONS: enter the Heading and content for each box
2. Icon box timeline settings
You can enter the Heading and Subheading, choose the design for the heading, also can choose text align: center.

Source Icon: This option allows you to choose icons from three sources: Theme Icon, Use Image, Font awesome. Please check this video to config source icon.
Color options: you can change the color for icons, background icon, border, etc...
Please follow this guideline to config Layout, Background, Margin/Padding for the section.