This section allows you to create a single lookbook with pins attached inside.

Theme editor (Customize) > Add Section
Search Lookbook single
Click Save
1. Lookbook Single content
In this section, we provide 3 types of Pin Product, Text and Link.

Pin options
Pin position: You can adjust position for pin by Top and Left parameter.
Position: You can set position for the popup content.
Title type: There are three types of icon design for you to select.
Short text: You can change the text content to display when your Title type is "Short text".
Pin size: You can set the pin size with many selections as Small, Medium, Large and Extra large.
Background color: This option allows you to set the background color for pin.
Icon/Text color: This option allows you so set the color for icon and text inside pin.



2. How to configure the Lookbook single section?
You can enter the Heading and Subheading, choose the design for the heading, also can choose text align: center.

- Pin Product Design
This option allows you to choose any designs that you want to display for Product on Lookbook section.
We have created 21 designs for you to select.
Please follow this guideline to config Layout, Background, Margin/Padding for the section.