If your store needs a table for products' price. "Price tables" section was born for you. Besides, it can also be used for many other purposes because of its flexibility.

1. Price Tables content
You can add Package blocks and design them with many available options.
You can use Icon or Image. This is the option to change source of types:

Then you can add Icon and Image:

You change content for each package:

And add button, then set link for it. If you do not want to show button, you can blank the link.

2. How to config Price Tables section?
2.1. Heading Options
You can config the Heading and Description and bottom space between the heading and content.

2.2. General Options
You can select align content, icon or image, space, etc...

2.3. Design Options
Please follow this guideline to config Layout, Background, Margin/Padding for the section.