This section allows you to add many different discounted products. Moreover, you can also add a countdown timer, progress bar, etc. for each product. There are two typical styles here that you can refer to:
Design 1 (With product image)
Design 2 (Without product image)
Design 3 updated on the Unsen Version 1.2

Theme editor (Customize) > Add Section
Search Discount collection
Click Save
1. Discount Collection Settings
To choose Designs, please go to Discount Collection > General Options > Product Discount Design.

Stock bar: You are allowed to change text, show, or hide this bar.
Countdown: You can set the date for each product and here in this option, you can only change color for all countdowns here.

Box option: You can choose between Grid and Carousel layout. For each designs, you have other options to customize.
Options for Carousel layout: You are allowed to enable/ disable Autoplay, Loop, Pre/Next button, Page dot.
Options for Grid layout: You can choose the maximum of item number to show here. Then, you can also choose number for row for each devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
2. Discount Collection Content
You can choose a product, then customize Heading (optional), Fake total stock and instock, and product countdown.