This section allows you can add or show the member of your theme. You can use this section on the About Us page
Steps: In the theme editor (Customize) > Add section > Our team > Save.
1. Member item
Click on Our team > ADD Member.
You can upload an Image, enter the content of the Name, Position, Description and add the link to the Social Media for each member. The social media icons only show when you click on the member block.
2. Our Team settings
2.1. Heading options
You can change heading content, add description, also can choose text align: center for it, and set bottom space for Desktop/Tablet/Mobile
2.2. General options
Image ratio: Aspect ratio custom will settings in general panel
You can choose a grid, carousel layout for the section.
Turn on the Use prev next button option and you can configure the prev/next button
Turn on the Use page dots option and you can configure the section for the dots
2.3. Design options
Please follow this guideline to config Layout, Background, Margin/Padding for the section.