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Kalles - Changelog


Written by Annie

Last updated


On this page

Below are details of the updates we made in Kalles new version, you can watch to better understand what we have accomplished.

You can join our community at: to get the latest update and exclusive news for discount, sale campaign.

V4.3.5 release 18/07/2024

  • ADDED: NEW DEMO - Home Skincare 2

  • UPDATE: 16 Theme languages

  • FIXED: Predictive search

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

V4.3.4 release 12/06/2024

  • ADDED: NEW DEMO - Furniture 5

  • UPDATE: New configs Quick View & Quick Shop

  • FIXED: Color Product item design 9

  • FIXED: Currency by The4 not working

  • FIXED: Background About us page

  • FIXED: Swatch color Multi language

  • FIXED: Sticky ATC in iPad

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

V4.3.3 release 02/05/2024

  • ADDED: NEW DEMO - Fashion 22

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

V4.3.2 release 21/03/2024

  • ADDED: NEW DEMO - SwimWear

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: SVG displays large size

V4.3.1 release 01/02/2024

  • ADDED: NEW DEMO - Tea Coffee

  • ADDED: Predictive Search

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Search page

V4.3.0 release 15/12/2023

V4.2.3 release 23/10/2023

V4.2.2 release 26/09/2023

  • ADDED: NEW DEMO - Game

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Quantity rules

V4.2.1 release 29/08/2023

  • FIXED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Dropdown menu, Collection tabs, Blog slider

  • FIXED: Icon Currencies

V4.2 release 16/08/2023

V4.1.6 release 09/07/2023

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Theme check, Product null

V4.1.5 release 04/05/2023

  • ADDED: NEW HOMEPAGE - Phone-case



  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Logo size, Swatch product grid, Currency, Popup

V4.1.4 release 22/03/2023

  • ADDED: NEW HOMEPAGE - Electronic​

  • ADDED: NEW SECTION - Collections List simple

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Input style, Review, Login

V4.1.3 release 22/02/2023

  • ADDED: NEW HOMEPAGE - Furniture 4

  • ADDED: NEW SECTION - Collections Carousel


  • IMPROVED: Toolbar Mobile

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Lazysize, Pre-order, Alert form

V4.1.2 release 18/01/2023

  • ADDED: NEW PAGE - Store locator with map ​

  • IMPROVED: Counter Section

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Link login, logout on mobile menu

V4.1.1 release 29/12/2022

  • FIXED: Shipping money when the cart empty on the cart page

  • FIXED: Sticky add to cart

v4.1.0 release 09/12/2022

  • ADDED: NEW DEMO – Handmade 2 ​

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Inactive tab message ​

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Favicon Cart Count ​

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Support Image focal points ​

  • ADDED: NEW SECTION – Extras ​

  • ADDED: NEW BLOCK - Customizable Products on section main product page, quick view, quick shop

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION - Enable choose variants on sticky add to cart



  • IMPROVED: FEATURE – Free shipping money ​

  • IMPROVED: FEATURE – Shop protect ​

  • IMPROVED: FEATURE – Falling snow effect ​

  • IMPROVED: SECTION – Back to top

  • IMPROVED: Rename section Popups Pro to Components

  • IMPROVED: Notices on form newsletter

  • IMPROVED: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • FIXED: Announcement bar override when the transparent header and transparent top bar enable

  • FIXED: Transparent header not working when sticky header disable

v4.0.5.1 release 29/10/2022



  • ADDED: Social icon Spotify

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Config free shipping bar color stage

  • IMPROVED: Code liquid on section main-search.liquid

  • IMPROVED: Code liquid on section main-product.liquid

  • IMPROVED: Speed load font icon

  • IMPROVED: Quantity images load

  • FIXED: Section featured-collection2.liquid error with image secondary

  • FIXED: Quickshop error on product item design 6

  • FIXED: Theme settings config

  • FIXED: Some CSS, JS issues

v4.0.5 release 08/08/2022

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Slider effect on section product

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Use collection link on product Vendor and Type​

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Quick view type

  • ADDED: Product Recommendations on slide cart

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Position button icon on Shopping cart widget

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Truncate product title with ellipsis

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Use Bootstrap CSS

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION - Add the HTML tag for the text of Slideshow Section

  • IMPROVED: Slider use transform or left/right positioning for less CLS (cumulative layout shift) warnings.

  • IMPROVED: Currency source code

  • FIXED: The image issue on Mobile Categories section

  • FIXED: DESIGN OPTIONS in Newsletter section

  • FIXED: Fullwidth layout issue in RTL languages

  • FIXED: Price bar filter issue in RTL languages

  • FIXED: Inventory Quantity issue on Pre-Order product

  • FIXED: The icon doesn't appear on Add To Cart button

  • FIXED: Some CSS issues

v4.0.4 release 14/07/2022

  • ADDED: API show metafields for product variants​

  • ADDED: Filter By Tags​

  • ADDED: Option Enable Confetti when got free shipping ​

  • ADDED: Option Show first media ​

  • ADDED: Section custom-liquid.liquid ​

  • IMPROVED: Full support RTL

  • IMPROVED: Section main product

  • IMPROVED: Section sticky toolbar mobile

  • IMPROVED: New way config free shipping minimum amount

  • FIXED: Mega menu issues

  • FIXED: some small issues on sections

  • UPDATED: The img_url filter has been replaced by image_url

v4.0.3 release 20/06/2022

  • ADDED: NEW HOME – New Tool

  • IMPROVED: Locate position center on megamenu

  • ADDED: NEW SECTION – Banner with navigation

  • ADDED: NEW SECTION – Collections list simple

  • ADDED: NEW OPTION – Product item hover effect

  • IMPROVED: Exit product popup

  • FIXED: Some small js, css, liquid issue.

v4.0.2 release 14/06/2022

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Advance Product Type

  • ADDED: OPTION - Always Visible Sticky Add To Cart

  • ADDED: OPTION - Product Group Media Support Multi Language

  • FIXED: Mega, Dropdown Menu

  • IMPROVED: Background color for body on mobile device

  • FIXED: Language Selector

  • FIXED: Product layout on product page

  • FIXED: Product tabs accordion issue

v4.0.0 release 10/06/2022

  • Better Core with better performance

  • Smaller theme size

  • Compatible with EComposer (install theme, install app will auto see Kalles's layout build with EComposer)

  • Enhance Ask a question by adding product image, title instead just a form

  • New way to config megamenu, FBT, Grouped Product

  • UPDATED: home Dronze

  • More Product grid layout

  • More animation

  • Change UI / UX of some features

  • Full support section all page

  • Change UI / UX of pickup availability

  • New way to config swatch color

  • New way to config product tab description, added product tab description on sidebar

  • IMPROVED: Product Video, 3D, AR models

  • Change UI / UX of Back in stock notification

  • Change UI / UX of Ask a question

  • Change UI / UX of quickShop

  • IMPROVED: product group media

  • IMPROVED: Sale popups

  • IMPROVED: cookies laws

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Exclusively for The4 users, when you bougth any theme from us, you can get Ecomposer - Theme Partner Plan for ZERO and start making beautiful, high-converting store pages today:

  • FREE 100% EComposer Standard plan for 6 months (save you $114)
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  • 100+ professtional, stunning designer-made templates
  • Build pages with a love drag-drop editor, no coding required

How to claim offer. Install EComposer HERE. Then open chatbox icon in EComposer dashboard and leave a message with subject "Theme name+EComposer" to upgrade for free

Cheers, The4.

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