Recommended: Install Fontify app to easily change any fonts for your whole page or specific elements. Support all Google fonts that GDPR compliant and upload Custom fonts in seconds.
You can set the font style and size for the text. You can choose a font from Shopify or Google.
From Theme settings >> Typography

1. Font Source
The Font source option allows you choose to use the font from Shopify or Google.
First, if you use Shopify font, just click and select a font that you want. We have three Font family options. Also, selecting a different font can affect the speed of your store. Learn more about system fonts.

Second, if you use Google fonts, just fill in the font name in the Font family options. Click here to get the name of your Google Font.

2. Headings
Define the visual hierarchy of your text with a clear Font Size Scale
Improve the readability of your text by adjusting Line Height
Fine-tune the appearance of your text with Letter Spacing

Base size (mobile): This defines the default font size for text on smaller screens, ensuring readability and responsiveness.
Base size (tablet and desktop): This setting defines the default font size for wider displays, where users have more screen real estate
Line height: Proper line height helps users follow text more comfortably, enhancing the overall reading experience on both small and large screens.
Letter spacing: Subtle adjustments can improve text clarity and visual impact